CQ 070 Club TDW

Well the PODXS 070 club has come and gone for another year. Even though I have participated in contests ever since I got on the air, the last few times have become a bit more competitive. I have sat down and actually "worked" the contest although not continuously like I do on Field Day or the January VHF contest.
Some highlights, I bagged 31 qso's, which is a pretty modest amount. Mark,N8MNI, the king of PSK made 4X as many QSO's but he's located in Ohio really to perfect spot to work all states on 20 meters. Anyway the main goal was to work a new state and I managed to get New Hampshire on 40 which is a new state for me.
After the contest, the next three days were spent going over my log and converting them into HTML to be put up on Bergenscanner.com which is a bigger task than writing this soapbox! I then submitted the log into the contest manager and then composed this entry. It then occurred to me I haven't been keeping track of the 070 Members I worked so added another tab in this spreadsheet of all my contacts to keep track of my LONP.
A lot of work for three days of operating.....but it definitely is worth it!!!


Tim said…

Great Post and thanks for the link. I think I did a lot of the same although I haven't posted my log or anything anywhere. The contest was definitely a lot of fun and I've got my XYL's and My logs submitted and LONP app in the mail. Hope to catch you on the waterfall again.
I'll get your blog on my roll when I get home. Can't do anything with it at work thanks to filters.
73 Tim

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