Post Erie Wrap-up Part II

Now there was specific reason why I broke this into two entries while one would have been sufficent. Of course the main theme is collecting license plates, and a lot of that went on, the stuff that went on after t he convention hall closed was just as exciting. Wenesday is the usual Welcome Reception where everyone mingled and got caught up on the latest news outside of collecting.
Since this was my fifth convention I have become accustomed to the pattern, trading during the day, the bar scene at night. This time I got to do something I have always wanted to do, have dinner with Marco, who co-hosts the Garden State Meets with me. Sure we've had dinner before but there's something about havingl dinner at a convention that's special. I also got to formally congratulate him on his engagement to Kristy. So we chatted about our meet in November and some other stuff that couldn't be one via e-mail.


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