Back on PSK

Well I wanted to write this a few weeks ago but as usual got distracted. As reported here previous I have a new laptop which is now a couple months old. I don't know who is happier,me or dad, since I was using the downstairs computer for a few months. Almost everytrhing was back to normal except for the fact I was still off the air with PSK-31. Isaac my ham buddy who moved back to Germany a year ago promised when he visited we get PSK back. I was thrilled because this meant one step closer to a "more portable" setup. Well Isaac came, with his wife Grit and their new daughter Sarah in tow, and once again worked his magic. I need to tweak some things after the left, but I was back!!
It lasted a week and then the USB Port I used suddenlydied so Chris rigged up an extention so I can use the USB port on the other side of the computer. It's been working fine ever since. In this short amount of time I have racked up some interesting contacts.One of the things I'm still aftere besides lighthouse contacts is special event stations. I have been on two weeks and have made two contacts to special event stations. One was the National Weather Service out in Witchia Kansas for Skywarn Recognition Day and the other was an event celebrating the 100 th Anniversary of the Canadian Park System. Not bad if I say so myself!
As you probablly figured with this new laptopthere is a potential for portable PSK operations. Well I figured out that I needa mobile antenna and a better power system. However this is just the beginning!!


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