Christmas Letter

I composed the following e-mail to my friends. Kind of a makeshift Christmas card. I got some pretty nice responses already. Definitely a Merry Christmas!!

This time of year I usually receive a lot of e-cards from friends, even people I don't know too well maybe from a list or somewhere else where we swapped e-mails. Then today I received a Christmas Card from a friend, actually a fellow license plate collector, from North Carolina but included was a letter outlining how he, his wife and two kids were doing, I enjoyed it better than the card because we never really chat viae-mail or on IM so I enjoy reading it. The letter inspired this e-mail about my family and myself. While I always promise to be short, I always wind up writing more, that's my great Aunt Millie's (grandma's sister) Influence.

Anyway the most exciting event was my younger (always have to sneak that in) brother Chris and his wife Natalie welcomed their first son, Zander Bruce Mattes into the world on July 13th. I actually was there when he was born because my folks and I decided to drive down to Philly when Natalie went into labor. He really is cuter than the picture and is already getting big. We have seen them a handful of times since and they will be coming up here this weekend after celebrating Christmas with Natalie's family. Like every other baby that's come into our family my cousins fight over who gets to hold him. Although that's where the "Uncle Jay Card" comes in, I get to hold him whenever. I only get overruled by Natalie Chris or my Mom, kind of neat. Zander is getting bigger and cuter every time see him.

My other brother Petey, ok Pete so he doesn't kill me, moved down to Philly in May.He's still working for ITT but as a sales engineer, a job he enjoys. Pete actually moved the Manionk,PA (I KNOW I spelled that wrong) to a pretty cool apartment complex. I spent a week down there this past September while my folks went down to Delaware with friends Yes we didn't kill each other. I also got to attend two of his friend's weddings. Both guys I have known since they were in kindergarten. My "cousin" was the best man in one of the weddings. I also attended my friend Dustin's wedding back in April. I don;t think my bank account, or my dancing shoes, have recovered.

Mom and Dad are both doing fine, as always. Their bringing up retirement a lot and have been actively looking at homes in a warmer climate, meaning NC. Although I serious doubt a big move is in our future,. They are planning a BIG summer vacation next year for the Outer Banks. They added a bathroom onto their bedroom, dad's do-ing the inside so of course it's unfinished. We also went down to South Carolina to visit my Aunt Katy, Dad's sister, my Aunt Ilse, flew in from CA. It was funny and I got to shoot pictures of the Sullivan's Island Light House.

As for me, I saved the best for last, everything is status quo. For those who remind me I need to take better care of myself, I am still doing swimming at the Y in Ridgewood once a week. I continue to do what I do best....WRITE. I'm keeping up with my blog aka "Mattes's Madness" , a handful of newsletters (especially my ham radio club newsletter where I have been offered a monthly column) and still manage a "Letter to the Editor" when I see an issue I feel strongly about writer who needs to be taken down a peg. I also continue to travel to license plate conventions. This year it was Erie PA where I won an award for my license plate display Route 66 by wheelchair. I also hosted my second license plate meet with my friend Marco in Washington Township this past November . A lot of work but it's worth it! I STILL am the world's busiest unemployed man

Alright I will; rap this up with my warmest wishes for this holiday season and a toast to 2010!!! Please give my love to your families and keep in touch.
As always
Justin "Jay"Mattes KC2GIK


Anonymous said…
bird bird bird. bird's the word

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