Doing it Delaware Style

Ok I wanted to post something positive after all the troubled writings I have posted and wanted to stay on the travelling theme for summer, so the family week in Delaware seemed like a perfect fit. Also this adds to the mobile posting series that started with Pete's apartment last September and continued evry so often. We're in Delaware with mom and dad, my brother Chris and his wife Natalie, my brother Pete and his girlfriend Sue and our Unclev Chuck. This was part of my mom's 60th and Uncle Chuck birthday celebration which included a joint party a few weeks ago, this trip and a few other surprises.
The rentals  down here in Delaware are a bit different, instead of renting from a Saturday to a Saturday or Sunday to Sunday, the renters start and endon a Thrusday but it works out pretty ok. The house is located in a community that's footsteps from the beach

One of the  best features about the house we're occupying is not only are we steps from the beach, there is a screened in porch and multiple decks, even a crows nest. I have made very good use  of the wireless Internet connection and halfway through this post I decided to move the laptop outside to the screened in porch. I queued up a little JamesTaylor, Neil Young and a few other artists while I write this entry. Not a bad way kill some time alone.
The btrip so far has included a boat ride on a pontoon boat, jet skis and of course a round of golf. Round that out with a couple of trips to the beach to dip in the ocean and play bocchi ball,  this has been a very good trip  so far, although not with incidentr. The jet skiing was very fun until I fell off. I was riding with Chuck, which is always interesting!! Of\ course I enjoyed it right up to the part I fell off. Chuck decided to turn was I wasn't ready and the jetski went one way and I went another!! The thing of it was when I hit the water I was fine, it was the split second between I fell off and hit the water that was sheer terror.
To top it off I got to spend time with my nephew Zander, this morning while the crew is out fishing, after the wave runner encounter the only way I'm going back in the water is via the beach! Mom and I took him for a walk, I played with him, watched cartoons and now he's in for his nap.
The week is going by fast but I really don't mind lounging around..


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