Rochester Preview

 Below is the post I made to the ALPCA Facebook and Listserv and is a preview of my report on the 60th ALPCA convention!! It's something different that I wannted to try and figured it will settle my nerves a little. This is actually a pretty long post for Facebook standards and will not replace my Rochester Report due out next week

Well I'm sitting here just completing my want list, printing my ticket for the train, making sure Marco brings my trade box, packing the plates I have for the Favorite plate display and the plates I'm donating to the auction,charging the "portable" scooter, programming my radio and trying to settle myself from the nervousness of a 7 hour train ride alone.Thinking about getting off the train in one piece, easing my parents' mind that everything will fall into place, just like it has for the 9 other conventions I have attended. I  look forward to more conversations with folks like Jeff Minard, Tom and Susan Allen, Tim Stentiford among other wonderful friends I have made over the years It has been said a few times on here' but this is ALPCA'S 60TH year. It also happens to be my 20th year in the club and my 10th convention!!! For those who know me, know this journey isn't an easy one for me, but it's worth it!!!! Safe travels to all

Justin Mattes #6748


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