Justin's Internet Reading List-- Part I

Sitting here during this latest bout of bad weather I tried to come up with an entry.  Well nothing came to mind until I started reading other people's blogs. Then the light bulb went offf, why don't I share the blogs I read with other people? I picked five blogs  I read on a regular basis. Meaning whenever they post, I read. While I was at it I sent a blanket to them describing what I was doing.

The Back Bumper by Jon Upton- Jon is a fellow license plate collector from Ontario Canada who composes in-dept posts about different aspects of the hobby. From collecting in general to more technical aspects like restoration. I like his humor and thoroughly enjoy  his take on the hobby. Being from Canada I have to get used to the spelling. I have been reading his blog the longest

Love That Max by Ellen Seideman--  While searching for people with Cerebral Palsy who blog, I came across Love That Max written from a mom's point-of-view about her son Max with CP. What drew me  to Ellen's blog is she writes frequent, long posts that always leave a smile  on my face when I finish reading. Every Friday she has her "Special Needs Blogger Link-up which is where bloggers can submit posts from the week Max is also an avid fire buff, which is an added bonus I hope to meet them someday

Dating in a Digital Age: A Horror Story by Tricia Murdy--  As she writes at the top they dated for eight years and when they broke up she decided to try digital dating. I actually went to school with the guy.

I'm Not Here To Inspire You by Rob J. Quinn-- Rob has CP and wrote a book with the same name. LikeEllen he blogs about his life with CP. It's  edgey and just a good read in general

DC Scanning by David Schoenberger-- Well I started with one hobby, I might as well finish with the other, police scanning! Dave is ten times better at sniffing out new freqeuncies than I'll ever be. His website inspired the Close Call Hit Log on Bergenscanner.

It took just shy of a year to complete6, but here's the second part:
Justin's Internet Reading List-- Part II


Rob J. Quinn said…
Thanks for the mention, Justin. I think posts like this one help people with disabilities become a true community -- sharing information on an "everyday," casual level. Hope you continue the effort.
Ellen Seidman said…
Hey, Justin! I'm in good company (and hi, Rob!). Thanks for the shout out. Every day, I am amazed by the connections we all make online. Cyberspace may be infinitely large but our community makes it seem tight-knit.

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