Goodbye Aunt Millie

RIP Aunt Millie, my first penpal, my 3rd grandma. I will miss your letters, playing "office" with the cousins and all the chats. You always knew how to cheer me up. Say hi to grandma, grandpa and Uncle Jack............until we meet again

These days when someone passes people remember them b y posting a Facebook status. Friends of the mourner "Like" the comment and reply with condolences. As much as I have been on both sides of this kind of Facebook status, I feel there are certain times where more  needs to be said, a lot more. I found out earlier this even my Great Aunt Millie, my mom's aunt, grandma's oldest sister passed away earlier this week. Like me she was the oldest in here family, she had four younger sisters.  Aunt Millie didn't have grandchildren until much later in her life, so when she visit  my grandparents house, she " borrow" u s for a week. Back when it was just my  brothers and two or three cousins she devote one full day to each of us.  We go to the park behind my grandparents house. Man she spoiled us more than grandma, yes that was possible.

She worked on the stock exchange for awhile and inspired my cousins and I to "go into business". Of course my girl cousins started their own  fa shion company. While I had a transportation safety operations. I won't get into details now, but Aunt Millie was an "employee". We even write letters, she had the Levittown (where she lived) Branch while I was based in my grandparents basement.  I still think about it and smile. Every letter  I have written stems  from corresponding  with Aunt Millie.

One time Chris had a weekend soccer tournament out in Long Island, right near Levittown, I really wasn't thrilled about going for three days. Aunt Millie got wind of this and immediately called and asked if I could  stay with her. My mother knew Aunt Millie would find a way to see me anyway, so she agreed. I had Aunt Millie all to myself for the weekend! We talked, watched movies, ate ice cream, just the two of us.

Then there was the time in Florida when Aunt Millie was down at the same time visiting my grandparents as my mom dad two brothers and I. As it happened my two uncles were down there also. That along with the fact  it happened to be my 22nd birthday made the trip very very special.

I haven't seen Aunt Millie in years, she visited a year before grandma died.  


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