2018 Year Reflections

I sent t he following e-mail to a select friends, then I realized I haven't written an entry in quite awhile!! Talk about killing two birds with one stone. It takes the place of about ten entries so if you're reading it have a happy and safe 2019!



Happy New Year-- 2019!! First and foremost this IS NOT a chain email! I'm not promising a million dollars for every time you forward this e-mail. Just want to wish all of you a happy new year and highlight what I have been up to in 2018. From getting my first article published about a fire here in Cape May, celebrating my 40th birthday with my dad, brothers, uncle and a handful of friends,to travelling with the family to Italy, it has been a wonder 2018. I won't dwell on each one too much but need to express both my gratitude  for th e past and hopes for the future

As I turned 40 I realized I need to get into the 21st century so I traded in my LG SLIDE PHONE for an  Iphone 5S!! Yes ladies and gentleman I only got a smart phone less than a year ago. The learn curve wasn't as much of a challenge as physically setting up the apps and realizing I am actually better of holding it with my right hand and operating it with my left. I have a habit of asking for the wifi password everywhere I go and can say the novelty of "checking-in" on Facebook, HAS NOT worn off. My phone number remains the same:

I broke my dry streak when it came to writing in Cape May, sure I always kept writing since moving down   here, but it  wasn't until June 8th of this year that I could finally add to my growing list of "Publication Dates". Unfortunately it was about a devastating church fire in Cape May.  I hopped on the scooter, drove to the scene  (which was right across the street from the firehouse) and shot pictures.. Somehow the CBS station saw my photos and used them both on their website and their broadcast about the fire itself!!  Then in August I wrote a blog bout ham radio and National Night Out, as a fluke I sent it to a ham who used to live in  NJ and moved out to Nevada. He asked me if he could publish i t in a newsletter he edits. During the last few months I have become a
correspondent for 1st Responder News. Besides that church fire in June I managed to get pictures and articles published about a car accident down here, a three alarm fire in Sea Isle NJ and the annual West Cape May Christmas Parade

In  November I was a photographer for the annual Exit Zero Jazz FestivaL. I was issued a press pass and had access to all[ the venues. There I was with my trusty point and shoot camera photographing act from all over the world. For three days I was shooting performances, which caught up with me by Sunday night. Some of my work wound up on the Exit Zero Facebook Page and website.

Writing and photography aren't the only things keeping me busy, I can now say I am a world traveler as well. My mom dad and I, along with aunts, uncle and cousins, traveled to  Italy  the end of June!! It's the first time I used my   passport! We enjoyed the sights of Rome for a few days  before spending  the bulk of our time  in Tuscany! Eleven of us rented a villa complete with a vineyard. I managed to write a poem using the Iphone while sipping on a fine Italian red wine! We literally went straight from the airport to Valley F orge  Pennsylvania where I attended the annual license plate convention!!

It wouldn't be a proper e-mail without mentioning family! My brother  Chris and his wife Natalie celebrated their 11 anniversary this past November. My nephew Zander is now nine and my niece Quinn has turned seven. I think about them all the time. Pete and his wife Sue are doing fine. We divided our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day between both houses. There's a picture of me sleeping in Quinn's bed on Christmas. Rest assured  I have my dreaming about unicorns ever since. This past October my cousin Kristin got married to a wonderful guy, Jason. This is my Uncle Sal's youngest daughter. Both mom and dad have had some medical issues this year which although nothing serious still is a reminder we're ALL getting older. Their friends from up north came down to Cape May for New Years, which is always fun. They walk 2 miles almost every day.

This note is long enough so I will say so long for now. My parting thought I think of all of you often and hope you are doing well. MY New Year's Resolution is to try to reconnect with the folks I have lost touch with over the years.

Cheers and Best wishes for 2019!!!

Justin Mattes


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