David Hogg and Nick Sandmann

During the last few days everyone has been taking sides over the standoff between Nick- Sandmann and  Nathan Phillips at the March for Life protest over the weekend. I have seen more footage =than most and my conclusion is Nathan Phillips, a supposed "elder" of an Indian tribe for whatever reason starting harassing Pro-Life high school students, some of them wearing Donald Trump hats. The students of course tried to ignore him but when it was obvious he wasn't budging, an "incident" occurred. I label it an "incident" because it seems to me Nathan Phillips went up to the students, started beating his drum and the students reacted. The actual interaction is up for debate, some called it an argument, while others said it was a scuffle.All I saw was Nick Sandmanmn just standing there while Nathan Phillips Truth of the matter is even with over an hour of video floating out there on the Internet, the "meeting" is still up for debate. Adding to the confusion Nathan Phillips was harassed earlier by a total separate group, the Black Isrealities which for whatever reason has been played down.

The White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders weighed in saying the pro-life students deserve to be heard. Enter David Hogg, the Stoneman Douglass High School student who rose to fame as a leader in the anti-gun movement after the shooting at his school. He is glorified by the anti-gun crowd as some kind of crusader. In reality while his heart is in the right Hogg criticized Sanders because he felt she was more  understand of Nick  Sandmann's pro-life  position, while in his mind dismissing his own position. The problem is Hogg is always accusing people who disagree with him as attacking him. With a 4.0 GPA you would think Hogg would understand people defending their positions need defending, even  if they don't always agree.

There are a couple of vast differences between David Hogg and Nick Sandmann. While they are both activists  for what the believe in, Hogg is on the attack while Sandmann is really only seen as defending. Sandmann is defending his pro-life positions. Sandmann gave a handful of interviews about what  happened, David Hogg has sought every camera or microphone under the sun David Hogg is trying to radically change the country, specifically the gun laws. David Hogg has been propped up by the pres, Nick Sandmann has been  attacked by the press.  David Hogg is often incoherent while Nick Sandmann has a straight message. David Hogg might pop up when the 2020 presidential campaign, I doubt we'll see Nick Sandmann be active supporting candidates.

All this being said both groups were standing up for what they believe in, which should bee applauded. While we must encourage the next generation of leaders we must warn them a message isn' t the only thing you need. It's extremely valuable to study both sides of an argument. Both David Hogg and Nick Sandmann have a lot to learn. I encourage t hem to keep up their efforts and lead the next generation of political activism


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