CODA the hit that hits close to home

From my  Facebook status a few days ago: CODA won best picture because not only did it break barriers, it did so in the most subtle way. As a person with a disability who loves music, it combined two aspects of my life. This amazing film is about a fishing family where everyone is deaf except the youngest daughter. iThe cover of "Both Sides Now" was absolutely perfect!~ I watched the amazing movie last night and you should too.

After adjusting the above Facebook status multiple times in the last three days I decided that a few hastily assembled lines wasn't going to cover all the reasons why I truly enjoyed CODA. CODA is the acronym for Child Of Deaf Adults. The movie is the story of the Rossi Family comprising of three deaf members, mother, father and son and the youngest daughter, Ruby, who can hear. The Rossi's are a fishing family from Worchester, Massachusetts who work the oceans. Emma is the typical teenager trying to balance, school, a social life helping her family keep their fishing business She also has an amazing sing voice! Her music teacher discovers her talent and encourages her to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston. The movie follows Emma's journey as she tries to balance saving her family's business while pursuing her dream of being a professional singrt

The movie struck me both as person with a disability and the oldest of three brothers. Partly because after forty four years it gave me a glimpse. into what my brothers, and rest of my family went through growing up and now a view of things as my parents are getting older. While I consider myself independent I am far from being able to live on my own. Both my folks do everything for me from cooking my meals to doing my laundry to driving me around. However this past year they've had their share of medical needs and the roles have somewhat reversed. I am now worrying about the future. My brothers are grown, one with a famil.y and the other with a wife, both live a ways away. They have both suggested we move closer them them so they can help. My parents and I have been resisting but my fear is there might be a time where it might an option.

One of the toughest things I had to do was move from Woodcliff Lake down to Cape May when I was in my mid-30's with my parents. I sobbed when I saw my old room being disassembled. I still miss going to Fusco's on a nice day. I struggled but what helped me was we had both the houses in Woodcliff Lake for a few years before the move was permanent. I made friends down here which a few I have grown very close. It was very difficult but I made my markl here in a shorter time than it took in Woodcliff Lake. I have written lABOUT Cape May not just living in it.. It was all with the help of my parents and great friends. The thought of that without either scares me the death!


Adelaide Dupont said…

Emma's journey is a very important one.

That moment during the Oscars when the speech was made for Best [Supporting?] Actor...

And a Mattes-less life would scare the hell out of so many.

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