Cape May Live is kicking

 Well I haven't actually kept it a secret I have been doing more writing on Facebook than on this blog. Originally I felt this blog was reserved for "important posts". Stuff that would be three pages long, ok maybe jusut a page. Then I thought well I post something on Facebook and then gets buried in a few days, sometimes a few hours.  So I thought  the better thing was to copy the status an d drop it on this blog. Admittedly I need to work  on this blog more. As you might have noticed I have cleaned up a few things these last few days with more to come. Right now I'll just share the post and hope some people get a chuckle out of it!

I really haven't posted anything of significance lately. Certainly haven't written a poem about Cape May in over six months. Gotten into a few arguments on here which I always regret in the long run. This being said I want everyone to know how much I appreciate this page. The views vary a lot however we must always remember this page reflects view in Cape May. Maybe not every view, but it has a pulse on the town. Many of you have noticed recently I tend to go after businesses when they advertise. Always asking them if they'll give discounts if people mention Cape May Live. This is a way to prove the business are really in tuned with the community, not just taking advantage of free advertising. One final thought Labor Day is a little over two weeks away. Whether you live here year round, down for the summer or just for the week, take a moment to reflect on your location. While we all have different points of view,s of what's going on, good or bad, we ALL love Cape May! Shout out to the businesses for a great season, people who put up with the chaos, and especially our emergency services for keeping us safe. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!


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