Update on Justinmattes.com

 Well history always seems to repeat itself. I obtained"justinmattes.com after I struggled to get "
bergenscanner.com back. At the time I knew about website design but not website management. I started on Tripod, a free hosting services with ads with some frequencies which grew into a  then a radio associate who worked for a web hosting company offered to partner up with me, he host the site on one of his company's server and I would edit it. Well everything was all and dandy until the hosting company went out of business. Even though I had access to change the site, it wasn't always easy, the site went dark a few times./ Pretty soon the company went out of business and the website went with it Including the domain name which got scooped up by a company that waits for domains to expire and then pounces. It's very common, another lesson I learned on the fly. Another friend helped me get the domain back and switched the site to another server. I had the domain under control and for first time I had full control over bergenscanner.com! 

. After getting that settled I decided to immediately register my own name with the intention of pulling all my interests under one site. Eventually I had the email, "kc2gik@justinmattes.com" which I still have with some problems.   I picked up experience on the way and still kept the free site on  Tripod where I hosted a license plate website and started using Geocities for my writing with all the hopes of someday moving them onto the server I used for Bergenscanner.com. It was a struggle all the way but I finally had it all. I got my writing, radio, and license plate stuff under one server. 

All was well for year until I started to notice a major increase in the hosting fees. I paid the increase for years knowing that eventually was going to move everything once again. I was just waiting for the time to be up before I did the big switch again. I always dread setting everything back up again. PowWeb announced a major price hike coming  in September and that was the last straw. I cancelled my service right away and my website was deleted. Right before this my Lenovo laptop decided to take a dump. Luckily after years of heartache  and worries I did manage to back everything yup!!. Email still works thank god but I actually had to pay for Outlook I just didn't need this aggravation now.


Hopefully I will have it back up and running soon. I decided to wait until I get my own laptop to start working on my website again;. In the meantime I decided not to let "justinmattes.com" go to waste, so I parked the domain back here. I might put some more pages onm here in the meantime. Wish my luck!!!


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