New Year's Resolutions

Alright the ball has dropped and the champaign bottles are empty. Now it's time to say this is the year I am really going to change things for the b etter. We all do it wether it's trying to quit smoking, trying to lose weight or trying to improve ourselve in some way, shpe or form. I can remember a time when I said, this is just another year, but that has changed draastically.
My father is reminding me he and my mother aren 't going to be around forever.
A little review of my life in 2005. Well the year started out with a bang because by some stroke of luck I managed to sweet talk my brother into taking me out New Years Eve, even though I was in bed my 1 am! In Februrary my mom and I took a trip down to Washington, it was my fifth trip down in three years, hopefully one of the times I'm down there I'll actually gety to go into other building beside ones called Durksin and Heart! It's amazing to see younger kids going through what I have gone through.
In other travelling excursions I seemed to get to two more lighthouses, Tinicum Rear Range Lighthouse in April, which was extra special because I got a "private tour". We went there on the wrong weekend, luckily a volunteer saw us and opened the lighthouse just for me. I can say I climbed yet another structure successfully!! A few months later in July I managed to get my parents to take me to the Saugerties lighthouse. The only bad thing is the stamp for the Saugerties light bled through. It doesn't matter though!
In previous post I wrote about trips up to Lake George, I don't know how long we'll be going up there because of the current situation with Grandpa, but trips up there will always be memorable.
Of course the biggest trip of all was going out to Hershey for the car show, something I have been trying to do for many years. Of course in good old Hershey's tradition it rained most of the time and knowing my dad we'll never be out there again, but it was very enjoyable.
I think that comes to one of my resolutions, to keep on travelling as much as I can. My independence needs to be maxiumized. I still have the same hope I did back in second travel the country meeting new people!!
Happy New Year!


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