Trip to CT-- Branchville School visit Part II

First of all I want to make a few things clear about this visit upto Kurt's school. Tim's biggest selling point to Principal McKinnon was my writing. Does anyone notice a theme here? Anyway I want to outline my day on Tuesday. Well it actually starts out Monday afternoon when Tim and Kurt drive down to pick me up. We'll then drive back to Connecticut and maybe help setup for the following day.
I will be talking to a second grade class and a fifth grade class. I keep telling everybody I'm more nervous about talking to the older kids than the younger kids. The older kids might hit on some more sensitive areas. Going through the process is making me think about my experiences in second grade. When I would go to the Special Education class in the morning, where I didn't belong. Then I would be "mainstreamed"
Irony of ironies of of the teacher's name is Mrs. Wilson, I had a Mr Wilson when I was that age. I'll take that as some kind of a sign. I will spend some with Mr. LeFebvre's class, c ome to think of it if the classroom has a computer I could demo some of my typing skills. Finally I will go to Ms Sane's class and face another twenty pairs of eyes
All of this talk brought up another t hing I did in high school where one day a week I volunteered at a school in Montvale some afternoons. The kids were around the same age as some of the kids I'll meet Tuesday. Yes it's all coming back to me.
This is doing me some good as well and hey it has gotten me writing again! :)
Trip to CT--Branchville School Visit Part III


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