4th Annual ALPCA Garden State Region Meet

I posted this to the listserv and thought it would make a great recap to post to the blog!!!

Not even a Nor' Easter earlier in the week nor a minor table storage could stop the little meet that could from coming together in Allendale, NJ. For the second year in a row members from as far away as California assembled at the Guardian Angel Church for a full day of trading tin! Plate trading was hot and heavy, conversation ranged from reports of storm damage to the convention next June in Reno. By 9 am the usual crowd was busy trading Andy Bernstein was showing off his newest graphics for sale(I picked up a new Alabama wheelchair motorcycle plate) while Ron Ridolph was busy collecting donations for our annual auction. Jason DeCaesare was documenting everything on camera while his cousin and newer ALPCA member Nate Miller was acquiring a few jems for his fledgling collection. Also in attendance was former President and ALPCA Hall of Fame Member Dick Yourga who graciously donated a Connecticut wheelchair plate for r the Orange Grove Display down in Tennessee. I would say the long distance award goes to Nador Thor who flew in from California, seconded by Lee Madigon who drove in from Chicago. Unfortunately we missed a few familiar faces including Dave Kuhen and Bill Dickerson from New England as well as Long Islanders George Barnes and Jon Lebowitz with his mom. Special shout out to Ralph Bannano who worked an overnight shift on the CSX, caught a few winks just so he could make an appearance!!!b Although given gas prices and road condition surely put a damper on the attendance.. For the second year a group of us, including co-host Marco Tramelli, traveled down the road to the Allendale Bar and Grill. We were warmly greeted by the owners, the Kunish brothers, who lost their father a few months ago. Drinks flowed and hot meals were served as we talked over future plans, including the possibility of moving the meet to a more central location in New Jersey. There are all kinds of plans in the works say tuned. I again want to thank the 49 members and guests for another great meet and look forward to seeing you next November Yours truly in New Jersey Justin Mattes ALPCA#6748 ALPCA Garden State Region President


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