A note from J.D. Adams

It's not everyday I get a chance to highlight someone else's comments on my blog. Fellow ALPCA Heartland Region President J.D. Adams posted the followng status on his Facebook page. The message was so heartfelt I decided to repost it here. I will have my own write-up in the coming days.

In roughly 5 hours there is going to be a License Plate swap meet starting...you say big deal, right? Yeah J.D., you've gone to a hundred plus of these things....but this one, which I'm not going to be able to attend, is a little different....This one is being held in Allendale, New Jersey....My fellow Regional President Justin Mattes and fellow ALPCA Garden State Board member Marco Tramelli havebeen scrambling to get this one put together so the "Show will go on!" I stress out enough when a meet has small weather problems, talk to Fenzloff before Dunkerton and you'll understand, but I can't even imagine what these guys have stressed on for these past two weeks and then to come out of this and put this Regional Meet on, even with another weather event going on ...it says a lot for your Region and it says a lot for you, Justin and Marco.....As Heartland Region President and your friend. I wish all the best for a "Barn Buster" of a meet and that it goes off flawlessly... Our thoughts and best wishes are with you all.....

J.D. Adams - President, The Heartland Region of the ALPCA


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