Year in Review--writing style

It shouldn't come to a surprise to anyone  that the  entries in thnis blog have been limited this year mainly because I have focused on mainly the baby poems\ this year. Together I wrote four of them, including  one for my neice's blessing back in April. It seems the momentum continues and the idea of  seeing my Facebook friends announce the birth of their bundles of joy provides instant material. In return I e-mail them a poem, which keeps my skills sharp. The main plan was to use them as examples to get some paid material.
As for poetry in general, I have been struggling, but m,anaged to pen "Four Golfers" . This is an ode  to my father and his golfing buddies that I composed on a day dad didn't come home from playing golf until after dark. The realization that the slightest inkling of an \idea needs to come out as soon as it can.
The easy thing to do is blame lull in both this blog articles and everything else on an interuption in living. I was going to outline this interuption but that's not fair because people I love are involved and I don't want t o hurt them. That was  my  excuse for NOT  writing because I was trying to deal with these new living arrangements the best I could and posting every little thing on a blog would have cause a bigger rift in an alreaady tense situtation. When I found the urgedf, I simply posted q uick quips to Facebook, even deleted a couple of status updates when  I calmed down.  So I am glad cooler heads eventual prevailed
The biggest project came in the middle of the year when ALPCA President tapped me to headup a wheelchair display project for the Orange Grove  Center down in Tennessee. That was accompanied by an article in Exceptional Parent Magazine. I actually got to meet th e head of t he center when I went out to Hershey in October. That called for a blog entry
It now comes down to this blog.  I looked over my 2011 entries and have at least one entry a month.  I started out 2012 the same way but it fell by the wayside by April and picked it up  again in October, in which I though I would end the year strong on here, that didn't happen the way I wanted. The months I DID  write, I had multiple enteries. Some of them I later deleted  because I started them and saved them, then decide the didn't warrant publishing. So my writing resolution for 2013 is to get  AT LEAST two entries here a month/. Which isn't difficult for me, I just have to focus and devote  the effort to sign in and write something, ANYTHING
Here's to more witing in 2013!
Happy New Year


Anonymous said…
Love your blog. Please keep to your plan and write more in 2013

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